Defenders of Life
This past Tuesday, May 18th, outside of Planned Parenthood, a pro-life woman allegedly touched Greg, who is the head of Streets of Paradise. This organization is affiliated with the art exhibits on the ground floor of Planned Parenthood. Greg called the police and by the time they arrived somewhat later, the woman had left. A police report was filed.
Unwanted touching is a battery in the eyes of the law.
On Friday May 21st, 40 Days for Life national received a Facebook message, claiming to be from Greg, stating that Black Lives Matter would be staging a counter-demonstration at Planned Parenthood every Tuesday and touching all pro-life “protestors”.
This touching, or any unwanted touching, would also be considered battery.
I have spoken to the Sarasota Police, as has James Kurt, to inform them of what was said in the Facebook message and asking them to keep an extra eye out for things on Tuesday. James also spoke to an SPD detective and has contacted the Sidewalk Advocates for Life lawyer regarding the matter.
Let this situation not deter us in our vigilant efforts in defense of the unborn, the most innocent among us.
As refreshers, please see below the 40 Days for Life 17 Commandments of Safety, which include #13 “do not touch others”, and the Statement of Peace, which we all should have signed. If you have not, please let me know and I’ll send you a copy. Signing the Statement of Peace reminds us of our obligations and if something does happen 40 Days for Life’s lawyers will assist us.
40 Days for Life Church leaders, please advise your volunteers of this incident and the 17 Commandments of Safety.
For Life
40 Days for Life 17 Commandments of Safety:
- Stay safe, always.
- Try to have at least two vigil participants.
- Never be alone after dark.
- Conduct the vigil in a safe and public or otherwise lawful location.
- If you feel threatened, leave and call the police.
- If your path is blocked, call the police.
- If you are touched, call the police.
- If you can safely do so, photograph/film events.
- If the police arrive, be polite and cooperative.
- If you are ordered to leave by competent governmental authority, do so and contact 40 Days for Life headquarters.
- Do not trespass.
- Do not threaten.
- Do not touch others.
- Do not display or discuss weapons.
- Do not curse.
- Do not block anyone’s path/right-of-way.
- Obey all laws
40 Days for Life Statement of Peace
I, ____________________________________________, testify to the following:
Print Name
- I will only pursue peaceful, law-abiding solutions to the violence of abortion when volunteering with the 40 Days for Life campaign
- I will show compassion and reflect Christ’s love to all (abortion facility or Planned Parenthood) employees, volunteers, and customers
- I understand that breaking the law or acting in a violent or harmful manner immediately and completely disassociates me from the 40 Days for Life campaign
- I am in no way associated with Planned Parenthood, its affiliates or any abortion provider
While standing in the public right-of-way in front of (abortion facility or Planned Parenthood location):
- I will not obstruct the driveways or sidewalk while standing in the public right of way
- I will not litter on the public right-of-way
- I will closely attend to any children I bring to the prayer vigil
- I will not threaten, physically contact, or verbally abuse (abortion facility or Planned Parenthood) employees, volunteers or customers
- I will not damage private property
- I will cooperate with local authorities
- If I am a minor, I will participate in 40 Days for Life only in the presence of or with the written permission of a parent or guardian.
Church Bulletin Articles For May 2021
Church Bulletin Articles For Jun 2021
Diocese of Venice has made the movie available to all of us, Catholic or not, “You are invited to watch the new movie, ROE V WADE, until Monday, April 26, via a special virtual screening before it is released to streaming platforms. Although we are kicking it off with bulletin announcements for April 9-26 (Divine Mercy weekend), the link is available now. Simply go to On the landing page you can download and watch the film, for the discounted price of $12.99 plus $1.25 transaction fee, in your home or on a mobile device. Although you cannot show it in a church or other public building, you may host a watch party at home, inviting family and friends (observing recommended social distancing). Once you pay for it, you will have until April 26 to start watching it. (If you can’t watch it in one sitting – just under 2 hours – you can resume within 30 days. If you want to watch it a second time, you would have to pay the fee again.)”
2 minute trailer: Link