Nov. 2024
Become a Parishioner
REGISTERLearn and Enrich
FAITH FORMATIONServing the Community
We welcome you to our parish family, and we hope that you will see the advantage of getting involved with the many ministries and activities that our parish offers. We have lively and enriching liturgies and offer a variety of social, educational, and spiritual events for you to attend or get involved in.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and united in our love for Jesus Christ, we serve the Lord with gladness and commit ourselves in service to the people of God with joy. Together we inspire and encourage one another to be faithful Catholics in midst of a complex and wonderful yet messy world.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish is a Catholic faith community and is under the care of the Diocesan Priests. Each of us is called by our own baptism to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to those we encounter regardless of race, color, or creed. Our sacramental life touches each person from birth to death and our charity reaches out to all members of God’s family.
We look forward to your worshiping God with us and adding your talents and gifts to our wonderful faith family. If you are new to the parish please introduce yourself to Fr. John or Fr. Paul following any Mass. If you have not registered, please see our registration page and if you have any further questions please contact the parish office at (941) 755-1826.

View Full ScheduleHoly Rosary — 7:30 am
Mass — 8:00 am
Holy Rosary — 3:30 pm
Mass — 4:00 pm
Holy Rosary — 7:30 am
Mass — 8:00 am & 10:00 am
Join us and become a parishioner today!